Research Blog #7: Frame and Project

Research Blog #7: Frame and Project

One of the most prominent ideas that was brought to light within my research was the idea of a "counterculture". A counterculture is a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm. Over the past half century, as more came to light on the harms and hazards of drinking, some of society were in favor of limiting the extend to which the youth could drink. There was a flurry of laws and reforms to make it harder for the youth to be put into situations in which drinking alcohol was even an option, such as the change in the minimum drinking age. However, the laws and reforms that were meant to prevent and diminish drinking within college students ended up having the opposite effect. This was the counterculture for college students drinking, that pushed back against those fighting to end drinking within college campuses. The result was often dangerous and wild, with students going underground with where they would drink such as within unregulated fraternity houses, and developing hazardous drinking habits, such as binge drinking. This counterculture resulted in the development of binge drinking becoming the norm, along with an increase in underage drinking. The counterculture ended up pushing the topic far into the other direction; instead of doing good for the sake of their cause, the regulations that were imposed only created more tension in the situation.


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